Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The NCEEA 2012: Moving the Industry Forward

Over the past 18 months the North Carolina Energy Efficiency Alliance (NCEEA) has successfully achieved many of its founding goals that were initiated in the fall of 2010.  A strong network of NCEEA partners and home energy raters has supported homebuilders and home energy raters in the construction of over 2,800 new ENERGY STAR Homes in North Carolina.  This success can be attributed in part to a strategic direct-to-consumer education and outreach campaign that has reached thousands of potential new home buyers in NC. In addition, the organization has grown to a membership of over 600 individuals and businesses passionate about energy efficiency while reaching over 4,000 contacts monthly with industry updates. 
Another layer of the NCEEA’s success is attributed to the multiple trainings that have been developed to overcome the market barriers of energy efficiency in the housing industry. REALTORS, lenders, and appraisers have benefited from CE trainings that have focused on trends in energy efficient construction, proper marketing and valuation techniques as well as specific challenges and recent changes in their professions. The NCEEA has also sponsored free half-day workshops and 3-day comprehensive HVAC trainings that focus on proper system sizing, duct design, installation and testing protocols. These trainings have been vital in bridging the gaps in communication between industry professionals and helping HVAC contractors understand the ENERGY STAR V3 program.
As the NCEEA looks forward to 2012, it hopes to continue these educational opportunities and consumer outreach efforts to transform the new home industry while expanding its mission to make existing buildings more efficient.  The NCEEA will continue to support the ENERGY STAR V3 Program while adding new high-efficiency standards like the optional NC HERO Code, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, verified Home HERS label homes and Green Certified Homes. 
 The NCEEA has been funded through an ARRA grant which will be ending this spring.  Transitioning from a federal funded organization to a sustainable, industry-supported Alliance is an immediate focus in the spring of 2012.  As stakeholders in the industry, we encourage you to collaborate with us in this movement to raise consumer awareness, provide educational opportunities for professionals, and transform the construction industry throughout the state.  Your contribution to this effort has never been more important than right now!  Please visit the NCEEA website for more information, join us on Facebook, or email us at info@ncenergystar.org to show your support for energy efficiency in North Carolina!


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